Sunday 25 March 2012

It's taken a year but I've done it!

Helloo dear Violets, have been very quiet and have not posted anything for a very long time...have been really busy. But the Ragtales website is now up and running and the products are selling! Have even managed to link in a Facebook and twitter link, so if you feel inclined please send me a 'like' or a 'tweet'


  1. so happy to see that you are OUT now (!!!!!)

    The photo is darling and I cannot wait to speak with you - sometime this week? I am finally home from all the travels and ready to hunker down to work. Wish me l;uck.

    Love to you, Nick, Fran and Finlay...and Chris, when you talk to him.

  2. Congratulations Danielle! Have 'liked' your page. x

  3. Danielle

    Well done, I got the connoisseur of cuggly * toys to look through your range and Evan loved them, though not he girl ones, too girly, of course. The dog and Patch were his favourite so we have bought Patch today. Suggest contacting "My Small World" an independent toy shop in Bath where all the yummy mummies go and there is also a very good Christmas Market here that might be appropriate to you. Any way well done, you talked the talked and now made the walk.
    * adult translation Cuddly
